Embrace the Spirit of

My Blog Features Travel Tips, Webinars, and More

Embrace the Spirit of Adventure

My Blog Features Travel Tips, Webinars, and More

Helping People Make the Most Out of Every Adventure

My name is Stephanie Hartsel, and I am an adventure traveler. I wish to share real-life experiences that people could encounter when they travel.

To achieve this objective, I’ve created Coddiwomple. This comprehensive travel blog features real-time information on a variety of topics. These include COVID restrictions, things to bring to certain destinations, and what to expect when traveling.

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Further Enriching Your Travel Knowledge

Aside from providing up-to-date information, I host quarterly webinars about traveling. I also share various links to recorded presentations.

Experience You Can Count On

I’ve been traveling freely for many years. As a travel blogger, I have made it my goal to help other travelers by sharing my wisdom and experiences with them.

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Featured Blogs

Picture of Colorado Wildflowers By Stephanie Hartsel

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Two People Climbing Mount Sneffels In Colorado

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Beautiful view of the Colorado Backcountry

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Stay Updated Every Time You Travel

Check out my travel blog for the latest travel tips, webinars, and presentations. I hope the information featured on this website helps you during your adventures.